Melancholy Island - Pre-order
This is a pre-order for the kickstarter fulfillment
warning: this book is meant for mature audiences and is filled with mature themes and imagery. reader discretion is advised.
Hi, my name's Snow. I wrote ".dungeon" and a few other things, but I'm not here as a writer today, merely a presenter. Melancholy Island was written by my friend Wall Parker (Endsville) over an undetermined amount of time and left to me when she took her own life.
I'm publishing this in the hopes of making enough money to print it (hence the itchfunding goal at the top of the screen). It's what she would have wanted, I hope. It's at least what she deserves.
I'm not sure how to sell this project to you. It's a semi-autobiographical-fictional anthology. Whatever that means. Inside are her words, her poems, her stories, and her games. I figure the only way I know to sell it to you is to post the little diary I kept while working on it.
Entry 1 - 10/3/23
Layout is going well. The documents are all over the place and disjointed. There's a lot here. Not sure what the goal of any of it is, but I'm doing my best. Should be done within the week.
Entry 2 - 10/10/23
Welp, still not done. The order of these things is hard to pin down. I can't find a through line. I don't know what she was thinking. Well, maybe that's the problem. I can read exactly what she was feeling. And it's hard to focus.
I swear some of the text keeps changing. I think maybe I'm just not reading close enough.
Entry 3 - 10-14-23
All the layout was corrupted. I had to erase it all but it won't let me delete the file. I'm just building off of it but I'm falling asleep most night working on it. I think I'm doing stuff in my sleep, or, like, in a half-asleep state. I don't remember using that photo there or placing that text there, or linking things in it. Can PDFs even have links? I know you can link between pages for, like, a table of contents, but idk. Whatever.
Entry 4 - 11-17-23
I put the project down for a while. Came back and Idr doing any of this. Time is weird. It's been a long year. Miss you, Wall.
Entry 5 - 11-25-23
A lot of pages I did were deleted. I think I was just annoyed and tired last night. I'm even more annoyed cause I think those pages were actually good. But I gotta trust the gut ig. I'm not much of a layout person.
Entry 6 - 11-30-23
It's done. Must've finished it late last night. Some of the text seems different again. Idk how many times I've read these stories. Idk how many times I've scanned the same pages. I'm kinda sick of this. It feels like a burden. But when I think those thoughts I feel guilty. Why else would she have left me this?
Entry 7 - 12/2/23
I had a dream about her. She hated the book. I woke up and the file was open and there was something different again. I think maybe the original stuff she sent me was corrupted. Or maybe the flashdrive? I honestly don't know how these things work but I have heard of things being passed through flashdrives. Was she just trying to fuck with me?
Entry 8 - 12/10/23
I found something in the pdf while checking it for proofing today. Something I didn't put in. A link. I'm not sure what it means. This is going live soon though so I apologize if things are weird or broken. Uh, if you find something weird? Please let me know here on the itch page.
A Note on the Itch-Funding
I have no idea if anyone is going to care about this project in the way that I do. I'm not promising any print copies at this time. The "tiers" allow for more community copies and there's one super special tier for the physical copy of some of Wall's writing. She played my game "Diary, a game" this year and I found it. It might be her last writing.
Other than that, I hope you enjoy the stories within.
With Love - Snow