The strangest delay of all time.

This is going to be a short update. 

Sheridan Books, the printer who is doing The Wizards and the Wastes, had a cyber security breach which has downed their system and kept them very behind for the last month. 

Wow. Wild shit.

I've been talking with my contact there whenever possible, trying to get an ETA, but it seems I'm cursed with delays. It's understandable. It doesn't mean anything negative for anyone. The book isn't changing. Just one of the many unforeseeable things that can (and will) happen. 

We have a crowdfunder coming up this week. It's been planned for a while and we thought we'd have the books by now. If there are any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to hold back from backing the new project. No harm no foul. 

But I must say, I've had delays before and they've never stopped me from releasing a project. Everything on my end is done. The PDF is out. This is one of those issues that is in someone else's hands and we (you and I) both have to just sit and wait for it to be solved. 

I'll keep you all updated when I get a new ETA and so on. 

Thanks for understanding,


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